Sunday, 3 February 2013

Magazine Title

I decided to subvert the typical convention of magazines where part of the title would appear 'behind' a subject as in the case of this photograph I am using, Jack is in a good position to look as if he is linked to the title. There is also plenty of low-detail space in the sky for the title to be clearly displayed.

Whilst experimenting with various fonts I came across; an open-source font website that allows you to install font packages to your computer.
The particular style of font I went for in the end, as shown below, has slightly un-even and irregularly shaped characters which presents the magazine as a slightly edgy and unique read. The block-serifs are simple and give the title a bold effect.
I experimented with different colours too but black was the most suitable as it contrasted with the background nicely, was simple, bold and easy to read.

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